Recruit foster parents at the Denver March Powwow, March 21-23, 2025

Volunteers needed to answer questions and share their county and child placement agency information.
The Colorado Department of Human Services is sponsoring an informational booth at the Denver March Powwow, March 21-23, 2025 at the Denver Coliseum. Staff from county departments of human/social services, child placement agencies and other nonprofit partners are invited to volunteer for the booth and share information about becoming a foster parent.
The annual Powwow attracts thousands of participants and an estimated 95 American Indian Tribes will be represented. Each adult volunteer should sign up for a shift. Due to limited space, we will have three spots open at the booth at all times. If volunteers need to bring children and youth with them, they don’t need to include them in sign up. If foster parents want to volunteer, their agency or county should compensate them for their time. Volunteers who are unable to make it to their shift should notify Adrienne Baxter at as soon as possible.
Sign up for a volunteer shift here.
CDHS will pay for entry and parking for each volunteer. To take advantage of this opportunity, volunteers must sign up by Thursday, March 19, 2025. Please email to coordinate.
Helpful reminders about the event.
- CDHS will have a sign up form at the booth. Volunteers may leave information for their organizations at the booth and distribute information and promotional materials. Please do not bring candy to distribute at this event.
- Following the event, CDHS will provide contact information of event attendees signed up over the weekend to all participating organizations.
- The informational booth is only about foster parenting. We will not distribute information about adoption at this event.