Resources for Employers
Strengthening families is good for business.
Parents and caregivers, including foster, kinship and adoptive parents, need to be supported with smart business policies that help strengthen families, prevent abuse and neglect, aid caregivers struggling with adversity and promote positive parenting so kids can achieve their potential. Family-friendly policies in the workplace can make a big difference in parents’ ability to raise their kids, succeed and contribute to Colorado’s future.

Employers like you can help strengthen families. If not you, then who?

Ways Employers Can Help
- Support maternity/paternity leave for new parents (including adoptive and foster parents)
- Check in with mothers and fathers to see how they are doing
- Participate in an employee assistance program (EAP) or maintain a list of available resources to support families
- Promote a culture where it is okay for employees to reach out and ask for help
- Allow for flexibility in scheduling where possible
- Offer “lunch and learns” for employees wanting to learn more about child development
- Sponsor a day of service for all employees to volunteer with programs working to strengthen families
Family-Friendly Workplace Toolkit
Family-friendly workplace policies and practices can help your team members thrive at work and at home. By supporting the well-being of your employees, your organization can build a culture of trust that results in increased productivity, job satisfaction, and a happier and healthier workforce. The Family-Friendly Toolkit includes evidence-based resources, guides and sample policies proven to support employees with different needs. Use the toolkit to learn how to implement new programs at your workplace and improve health outcomes for all employees.

Executives Partnering to Invest in Children (EPIC)
Executives Partnering to Invest in Children (EPIC) is a coalition of business leaders, nonprofits and foundations who are committed to making early childhood care, education, health and parenting among the highest priorities for Colorado’s public and private investments. EPIC’s mission is to harness the political and financial capital of Colorado’s business sector to ensure that all children develop into healthy, educated and productive citizens.
The EPIC Employer Toolkit
The EPIC Employer Toolkit is a free online resource with hands-on tools for supporting increased access to quality child care for workers, child-friendly policies and procedures and optimized tax benefits for employers and employees.