November Proclaimed National Adoption Month

November marks the beginning of National Adoption Month in Colorado.
National Adoption Month celebrates creating connections that provide support and a sense of belonging for young people throughout their lives.
National Adoption Month Proclamation 2024
WHEREAS, children are key to Colorado’s future success, prosperity, and quality of life; and
WHEREAS, children are resilient. Even when they’ve experienced adverse childhood experiences,
such as abuse or neglect, they can overcome and reach their full potential with help and support from
the community and a loving parent; and
WHEREAS, all children and youth deserve a safe, loving family yet there are 369 children and youth
in Colorado who are waiting to be adopted; and
WHEREAS, affirming, supportive parents can help a child or youth overcome past traumatic
experiences and reach their full potential; and
WHEREAS, we must come together as a community to celebrate Colorado’s adoptive families and
raise awareness about the need for adoptive families in Colorado; and
WHEREAS, we welcome and encourage every adult age 21 or older to consider adoption; and
WHEREAS, there are no restrictions on who can adopt based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression, or marital status; and
WHEREAS, there is always a need for parents who are willing to adopt older kids and siblings;
THEREFORE, I, Jared Polis, Governor of the State of Colorado, do hereby proclaim the month
of November 2024, as NATIONAL ADOPTION MONTH in the state of Colorado.