
Child Maltreatment Framework

The entire community plays a role in the prevention of child abuse and neglect. Our partnerships strengthen everyone’s ability to speak with one voice and achieve a shared mission to protect kids in Colorado. No organization is too small, or too big, to discover the unique ways in which they can be involved. We need help from all 501c3 organizations, government agencies, schools, businesses and community groups to end child abuse and neglect. 

An exterior mural on a building shows some wear and tear.

Shared Vision

All Children are Valued, Healthy, and Thriving


Foundational Principals

Study what contributes to or inhibits successful implementation

Increase provider knowledge and skills

Share information within and across agencies

Raise the performance bar and use timely data to adjust practice

Engage those you seek to help and encourage advocacy skills

Partner with others to increase success


Channels for Change

  • Home Visiting
  • Parent Education
  • Mobility Mentoring and Financial Literacy
  • Respite and Crisis Care
  • Family Development and Goal Setting
  • Screening for Substance Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, and Depression

  • Integrated Care
  • Community Effects on Child Maltreatment and Strategies at the Community Level
  • Utilizing Technology
  • Early Learning Communities
  • Community Norms Change

  • Evidence-Based Practice
  • Implementation Science
  • Workforce Development
  • Performance Monitoring

  • Policy Agenda Setting
  • Innovating Federal and State Health Care Funding
  • Transforming Existing Legislation to Better Meet the Needs of Families

Overarching Outcomes

Well child check-ups, developmental screening, social emotional health, reading proficiency

Financial security, educational attainment, social connections and screening for interpersonal violence/pregnancy-related depression/substance abuse

Incidence of child maltreatment, early childhood professional credentials and quality rated child care, appropriate child development expectations, safe sleep practices, spending time together as a family, child welfare placement stability

Community cohesion, access to basic services, family friendly employment