National Foster Care Month 2023

DENVER (May 8, 2023) — To mark National Foster Care Month and encourage more Coloradans
to become foster parents, the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) recognized five
foster families during a luncheon at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on Saturday,
May 6.
“These families are examples of ordinary Coloradans doing something extraordinary to
strengthen families and their community. Their support for reunification and commitment
to caring for youth of all ages is remarkable,” said Minna Castillo Cohen, director of the
CDHS Office of Children, Youth and Families. “They are an inspiration for others to consider
what they can do right now to make a difference for kids and families.”
When parents need additional support to provide safety and care for their children, county
human/social service agencies work to meet those needs while keeping families together. If
that is not possible, caseworkers first look for kin — adults who have an established, trusted
relationship with the child — to step in. If no kin is available, a foster family is there to
provide safety, stability and care. Today in Colorado, there are 3,637 children and youth living
with Colorado’s 2,147 certified kinship and foster families.
“We know that people are curious about foster care and want to know more about what it
is really like,” said Castillo Cohen. “By sharing these real stories, we hope to inspire more
Coloradans to support children and youth who need a temporary safe place to heal while
their parents or caregivers work on building skills to help their children thrive.”
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