Placement Services Unit appeals panels opportunities

The Placement Services Unit (PSU) has an opportunity for volunteer panelists for two different appeals panels; the IDD Program and 24-Hour Licensing appeal panels.
The Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Program appeal panel is charged with making recommendations to the Department when a placement entity is denied placement of their youth into the Calabrese Youth Center. The panel reviews all pertinent information and makes a recommendation to the Department if the placement remains denied or if the youth should be admitted to the program or waitlist. This panel meets virtually as needed and can conduct discussions via email as necessary. While PSU is seeking any interested volunteers, they are specifically needing volunteers from the following: A treatment director or coordinator from a Qualified Residential Treatment Program; and a staff member from a program service agency that offers residential habilitation; and a representative from a county department of human services. The time commitment for the IDD Program appeal panel is approximately 1-3 hours per month. The appointment term is three years.
The 24-Hour Licensing appeal panel is charged with making recommendations to the Department when a licensed program or agency files an appeal for a rule that they believe is applied too stringently to them or poses a hardship to their program or agency. The panel reviews all pertinent information and makes a recommendation to the department if the appeal should be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. This panel meets once monthly (currently virtually). While we are seeking any interested volunteers, we are specifically needing volunteers from the following: A 24-hour child care facility; and a child placement agency representative responsible for placement decisions, and a county department of human services representative responsible for placement decisions. The time commitment for the 24-Hour Licensing appeal panel is approximately 3-5 hours per month. The appointment term is three years, with the ability to serve subsequent terms.
To apply please complete the application form here and indicate which panel you would like to serve on. Please submit your application by May 5, 2023. PSU appreciates interested parties for volunteering to serve on these panels.
Please send any questions about either panel to Cheryl Estrick at
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