
High Quality Parenting Time Task Force

Two parents play with their young son outside.

Colorado is gearing up to launch the High Quality Parenting Time Task Force in order to implement HB 21-1101.  Individuals, parents and professionals who are interested in improving legislation, regulations, and best practices to ensure that every child placed in an out-of-home placement in Colorado has access to safe and high quality parenting time are encouraged to join the task force. 

Applications are due by 5 p.m. on April 1, 2022.  

The High Quality Parenting Time Task Force is seeking members from across the state, including parents and youth with lived experience with out-of-home placements, service providers, kinship or foster parents, judges and magistrates, social workers, psychologists, persons working with incarcerated parents, GALs, county attorneys, respondent parent attorneys, and CASAs.  

The purpose of this task force is to bring together the Office of Respondents Parents Council (ORPC), Office of the Child’s Representative (OCR), the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS), the Child Protection Ombudsman’s Office, counties, service providers, parents, and youth with lived experience to explore statutory and regulatory changes to ensure every family has access to high quality parenting time when they are separated through a dependency and neglect case. 

The task force will begin meeting monthly in April.  If you have questions or want to get more information, email Melanie Jordan at mjordan@coloradoorpc.org, or attend an information session on March 16 at 8:30 a.m. or March 18 at 12 p.m.  

Individuals, parents and professionals are also being asked to complete this brief survey about parenting time practices in their jurisdictions. This information will equip the task force with the data it needs to get started.

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