
Colorado Fostering Success Housing Voucher Program

A drone shot of Denver with a distant downtown landscape.

New program’s office hours begin January 17

SB23-082 was signed into law by Governor Polis on June 5, 2023. The bill created the Colorado Fostering Success Voucher Program in the Colorado Department of Human Services Division of Child Welfare (DCW). The purpose of the program is to provide housing vouchers and case management services to eligible youth in a new and more flexible manner that meets the specific needs of former foster youths. The housing voucher program will be operated by Chafee programs or other organizations that receive funding for the Chafee Program or the Colorado Foster Youth Successful Transition to Adulthood Grant program. 

DCW will start including this program in our existing office hours held bi-monthly for the Foster Youth in Transition program beginning January 17th, 2023. The office hours are open to county staff, Chafee workers, and stakeholders who want to ask questions or problem-solve issues while implementing the housing vouchers within the Chafee and State Grant programs. We will continue to provide support for the Foster Youth in Transition program as we create a space where the people implementing these programs together. Individuals who are interested in attending the office hours should use the information below to join the Google Meet:

Google Meet joining info: https://meet.google.com/pew-tbdp-nzc

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 484-416-1563‬ PIN: ‪740 916 960‬#The meetings will be held every other Wednesday from 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm and the Colorado Fostering Success Voucher Program specific meetings will start taking place on January 17, 2024. Please see the CDHS public calendar for updates.

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